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With FreedomPäs, a safer reopening is a faster reopening
Using the FreedomPäs system you will catch presymptomatic cases, stop the spread and be a part of cultivating a sustainable reopening.
How it works.
FreedomPäs is a token based entry authorization system based on rapid testing. Tests are available at the door of FreedomPäs enabled businesses and events as well as available at local FreedomPäs drop in test booths. Once a negative test is established you may gain a Päs.
The Pas.
A päs can only be obtained by having a negative rapid test result. A päs will grant you entry into FreedomPäs enabled events and establishements. The päs last for 24 hours due to the incubation period of COVID-19 *this timeframe is mandated by public health*.
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